California Infection Control Plan



CA Infection Control Plan: According to PIN 22-13-ASC, RCFE and ARF providers are required to submit an Infection Control Plan to CCLD by June 30, 2022. The Mitigation Plan as mentioned in PIN 21-43-ASC, will stay in effect until the licensee’s Infection Control Plan is submitted to CCLD for approval.

Comprehensive:  This plan will consist of the following easy to use components.

  • Infection Control Polices and Procedure
  • Monkeypox Infection Control Plan
  • Formal packet to submit to your LPA
  • Program Binder Organized by Subject
  • Staff Training Video – USB Flash Drive
  • Checklists and Forms

According to PIN 22-13-ASC, The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in the need to establish more consistent infection control requirements for licensed ASC Facilities. The Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD) has, therefore, updated regulatory requirements related to infection control prevention and mitigation for contagious diseases. The purpose of this PIN is to provide an overview of the updated infection control requirements that all ASC providers (except for Adult Residential Facilities for Persons with Special Health Care Needs (ARFPSHNs)) are to follow with an effective date of February 7, 2022. These regulations will ensure the immediate protection and preservation of the health and safety of adults and seniors in licensed community care.

Objective: The licensee’s Infection Control Plan should be submitted to CCLD by June 30, 2022. The Mitigation Plan as mentioned in PIN 21-43-ASC, will stay in effect until the licensee’s Infection Control Plan is submitted to CCLD for approval.

Plan Includes:  This comprehensive plan includes policies on all of the follow, provided in a printed binder, and flash drive.

  • Hand hygiene
  • Environmental cleaning and disinfection
  • Injection and medication safety
  • Use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Hygiene and cough etiquette
  • Reprocessing of reusable medical equipment
  • Designating a person responsible for infection control
  • No communicable disease present in facility
  • One or more persons in care with a communicable disease
  • When a state or federal emergency for a communicable disease is
  • Infection preventionist role
  • And much more…

Comprehensive:  This program will consist of the following easy to use components.

  • Infection Control Polices and Procedures
  • Monkeypox Infection Control Plan
  • Formal packet to submit to your LPA
  • Program Binder Organized by Subject
  • Staff Training Video – USB Flash Drive
  • Checklists and Forms