RCFE Initial Certification Training Program

Residential Care Facility for the Elderly means any facility of any capacity that provides 24-hour-a-day nonmedical care and supervision to person 60 years of age or older in the state of California. Sometimes referred to as Assisted Living 16+ beds or Board and Care 4-6 beds. In order to become a certified administrator for a Residential Care Facility for the Elderly you must meet the required qualifications.

First, you must complete a Department of Social Services approved 80-Hour Initial Certification Training Program. Dates listed below.

Second, register for an exam. Within 60 days of completing the ICTP, an applicant must take and pass the Administrator Certification exam with 3 attempts.

Third, After passing the administrator certification examination, you must apply for an Administrator Certificate within thirty (30) days of being notified that you passed the examination.

Senior Community Learning is very excited to offer RCFE ICTP through our Ucampus leadership program. Ucampus specializes in the development of leaders of those who take care of the most vulnerable. All courses have been approved by California Department of Social Services.