20 Hours – Live Webinars – Day 1 & 2 – April 24 & 25, 2025



Price: $179 for both days
April 24 & 25, 2025 (Thursday/Friday)
Time: 8:00 am – 6:30 pm
Location: Live Zoom Webinar
CEUs: DSS Approved – 20 live-stream hrs approved for ARF & RCFE. Approved for 4 hrs on laws and regulations, 8 hours on dementia, 2 hrs on LGBTQ update, 6 hrs on other topics.

RCFE Vendor: 2000545-740-2/ARF Vendor: 2000545-735-2

We understand that providers have an extremely difficult job, and it’s our job to make life easier by providing effective turnkey educational solutions. We believe the market is ready for a company dedicated to complete customer satisfaction. This course is perfect for large and small communities.

Day 1: AM Session – The Caring Culture (1 hr Approved) Operating in CA: Labor Law (2 hrs Approved) OHSA Review: Residential Care (2 hrs Approved)
Day 1: PM Session – Fall Reduction (1 hr  Approved) Train the Trainer (2 hrs Approved) Infection Control (2 hrs Approved)

This course has been designed to provide 4 hours on laws and regulations. Morning session will start with a pursuit of a caring culture, and why our industry is so special.  We then move into an update on the everchanging labor law and OSHA landscape in CA. If we need to stay updated on labor law than so do you. The average US company has a 10.5% chance of being sued by an employee with the average cost of defense and settlement being $160,000 per lawsuit. California employers have a 46% higher chance of litigation above that rate. Afternoon session will focus on how we can reduce the risk of falls. We then move into understanding how to properly train staff and techniques for retention. Finishing with two hours on infection control which will be a focus of licensing inspection for the foreseeable future.

Day 2: AM Session – LGBTQ Update (2 hrs LGBT Approved)
Dementia and the Brain (3 hrs Dementia Approved)
Day 2: PM Session – Beyond Dementia (5 hrs Dementia Approved)

This course has been designed to provide 2 hours on LGBT and 8 hours on dementia. Morning session will focus on 2 hours of instruction in cultural competency and sensitivity in issues relating to the underserved aging lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. We will then move into effective care strategies for different behaviors including dementia related behaviors.  Afternoon session will focus on care and management of dementia in residential care.

Price: $179 for both days
CEUs: DSS Approved – 20 live-stream hrs approved for ARF & RCFE. Approved for 4 hrs on laws and regulations, 8 hours on dementia, 2 hr on LGBTQ, 1 hr on Caring Culture, 1 hr on Fall Reduction, 2 hrs on Train the Trainer, 2 hrs on Infection Control.
Location: Live Zoom Webinar
Time: 8:00 am – 6:30 pm
Handouts: Handouts will be emailed prior to class.

Refunds: Senior Community Learning has a no refund policy, this is due to seat limitation. However we do allow you to transfer funds to other dates or products.